Monday, August 23, 2010

A is for Apple

It's time to start the alphabet again and hopefully this year make it past 'N'. The girls have a good grasp of the letters and their sounds thanks to LeapFrog but I thought going through the alphabet would be an easy way to plan crafts and lessons. So here we start with A.

Our theme for 'A' has been apples. Here the girls are making their apple craft that I found on the fabulous Totally Tots website.

A is for Apple

A is for Apple

In preparation for our field trip we read through the book How do Apples Grow by Betsy Maestro. This book is very detailed and a little advanced for Anna and Maddie but we still enjoyed looking at the pictures and seeing how an apple tree grows. On Saturday we went to our friend's house to pick apples. Mr. Scott would shake the tree and the girls would gather the apple off the ground into their baskets.

apple picking at Mr Scott's

apple picking at Mr Scott's

apple picking at Mr Scott's

apple picking at Mr Scott's

Tomorrow we will be talking about apples in the context of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with some resources from Lapbook Lessons.

1 comment:

Nicole Barreto said...

This is so adorable and a wonderful idea. Can't wait to see the next letter.