Monday, March 19, 2007

Information Overload

Thanks to the internet, a parent can find all the information they could ever want to know about any parenting topic. There are also books out there to support just about any parenting view a parent may have. At times though, I find all of this information confusing. I am currently seeking answers on the controversial topic of how to put Anna to bed. Some books tell you to let the baby cry; others tell you that letting them cry is a sign of neglect. Some books tell you to not to rock a baby to sleep and to wake them up before placing them in their cribs; others say not to wake a sleeping baby. So, what is the "right" way? I know there will never be a consensus, so I'm on the search for the right way for Anna. Hopefully we'll find it soon and Anna will return to sleeping through the night - I guess I just got spoiled during her first 3 1/2 months :).

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