Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I've been trying to make our morning time at home a little more intentional so the girls and I have started doing a bible reading plan called Through the Bible with My Child. It is a rather expansive reading plan (taking 4 years to cover most of the bible) but the texts are broken down into chunks that are just right for the attention span of my girls. I have been reading the text from my ESV bible while the girls have a blank sheet of paper that they draw some semblance of what I am reading. The reading plan then has a few questions to go with the text that we discuss.

Maddie is drawing the creation story (we are using heavy sheet protectors and drawing on them with dry erase crayons to save paper; just wipe off each day)

Anna "follows along" while I read by looking at the pictures in the Jesus storybook bible.

I know this will be a work in progress and there will be some books of the bible that we will skip for now but I love that each morning I can sit at the kitchen table and there is a plan and it is all contained in this cute flower binder :).

Also in the binder lives a prayer sheet for the day where we write down prayer requests as well as some school skills I want to work on with the girls. I hope that as school and other activities gear up for the fall that we would be consistent and start our day hearing God's Word.

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