Friday, January 16, 2009

Sleeping Soundly

Here is Anna just minutes after climbing into her new big girl bed:

Bunk Beds

Ever since we took Anna's pacifier away back in October, naptime has been a fight. Somedays Anna would nap, somedays she would play quietly in her room, and somedays she would scream. Bedtime was a similar scenario except Anna would often ask to sleep on the futon that was in her room. Whenever asked, Anna would tell us that she did not like her bed though I imagine she would agree to just about anything if it meant staying up a little while longer.

When we went to Myrtle Beach a few weeks ago Anna slept in a double bed by herself and did GREAT. She would cuddle up in the bed and go right to sleep. After that we decided it was time to move Anna into a new bed and the day after we returned from the beach we went searching for the perfect bed for Anna.

Despite my initial anxiety, we ended up buying bunk beds from a friend at Fred's Beds.

Bunk Beds

They arrived today and are perfect! The ladder is hidden away in the closet and if anytime Anna starts trying to climb them we can easily convert them into two twin beds. Who knows, maybe one day Anna and Maddie can share them.

1 comment:

Lori Beth said...

so cute!!! What a big girl!!