Thursday, January 29, 2009

Haircut #2

I took Anna in for her second haircut yesterday; it was painful to watch. Anna didn't cry or throw a fit but rather when the lady went to put the cape on her, she shut down. She closed her eyes, put her hands on her mouth and did not move for 10 minutes. We put on an elmo video, I tried talking to her and even offered her a balloon - nothing. It usually takes Anna a few minutes to warm up to people and you can tell she is nervous by her tongue hanging out of her mouth - but this was the worst I've ever seen it! Thankfully as soon as the haircut was over she was back to her normal smiling self asking for a lollipop and pink balloon. It may be a little while before Anna's next haircut :).

Voila - haircut #2

Voila - haircut #2