Friday, July 30, 2010

Playing Games

As I've mentioned before, we are a game playing family. Anna likes to play games before going to bed, Erik and I enjoy playing games with friends and now Maddie is getting old enough to participate as well. Game playing teaches the girls to take turns and I feel has lengthened their attention span (it can take forever to match all the Memory cards!). Here are a few of our favorites -

Family games-

- Snail's Pace Race: works on color skills; you work together to get a snail to the finish line, no one person wins
- Colorama: works on matching, colors and shapes
- Chutes and Ladders: Anna has a hard time following the board and Maddie is not quite ready for this game yet
- Candyland: works on colors and matching
- Leapfrog Go Fish: works on matching and alphabet skills
- Memory: matching and memorization; both of the girls are really good at this

Playing Memory

Hubby and my favs- (Erik and I tend to go for "serious" games, so they may not be enjoyed by everyone :))

- Carcassonne: the Castle
- Catan Card Game
- Scrabble
- Sequence

Group games-

- Why did the chicken: hilarious
- For Sale: bidding game
- Pickomino: easy to learn dice rolling game
- Don't Cook a Pooping Chicken: a group favorite, we enjoyed it so much we gave it a new name which actually made it online; all you need is paper and pen


Kim said...

We love Settlers of Catan, the board game. And we just got hooked on the Monopoly Deal card game while on vacay with my fam this past week! It's super fun!

Meg Dreifuss said...

It's all good!