Saturday, June 2, 2007

Floppy Seat

During a baby shower we received a floppy seat which can be used in either a grocery chart or high chair. One key feature is that they are suppose to be more sanitary than the nasty carts and high chairs that you find at stores and restaurants, but I like how comfy it is and how much easier it is to keep Anna's toys in. I used the floppy seat for the first time last week and it took me about 10 minutes standing in the parking lot to figure out how to correctly put it on the cart. Today I was back at the same store and the floppy seat fit on there much better, so I'm getting better with practice. I see many kids in them when I am out and about - many different manufacturers make them and some even have built in toys. I am greatly enjoying that Anna can now sit in the grocery carts and I no longer have to try to fit everything on top of her stroller or nervously push her around the store with her carseat sitting on top of the grocery cart. This is such a fun age!

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