Saturday, June 16, 2007

Car Seat Check

Today we put Anna's next stage car seat, the Evenflo Titan 5, into my car. The car seat is convertible so it can be used both rear and forward facing. It got very high ratings at the time we registered for it and it was reasonable priced. I took the installed car seat down to the fire station to get it checked and had a good experience. I followed two other cars into the parking lot and all at once 10 firemen came out of the fire station with their clip boards. The fireman checking my seat put a noodle (one of those long styrofoam noodly things that you can use to float around the pool)underneath Anna's seat to make it recline more and within 10 minutes I was on my way. I did have to sign a paper with my name and address saying that I did not hold them liable if the car seat did not hold up if there is an accident. Anna seems much more comfortable in the seat since she has more room.

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