Monday, July 28, 2008

The "Lego Situation"

I recently read an article in the August issue of Real Simple magazine entitled Happiness in a messy house by Rebecca Walker where the author talked about "the lego situation". The "lego situation" at my house looks something like this - there are books in the bathroom, puzzle pieces in the kitchen, random toys covering the family room floor and legos lining the stairs; in other words, there are toys EVERYWHERE. As Anna follows me around the house with toys in tow, she leaves a trail (and a hazard for bare feet!). This weekend after rearranging the toys several times in an effort to "hide" them (most of Anna's toys live downstairs in our family room), I decided it was time to bring in some new equipment.

On Sunday we purchased the Closetmaid Cubicals storage unit from Target. It was easy to assemble and very sturdy. It has 9 cubbies which allow for either displaying items or tucking things away in cloth bins. The bins make for easy cleanup since I can put the bin in the middle of the room and Anna will toss her toys in it.

I know that the stage we are in with two kids under two that there will inevitably be lots of toys strewn about the house for a few more years but I feel better knowing that at the end of the day, everything has its place.

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