Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cousins Tea Party

The cousins


Enjoying mini sandwiches and "tea"

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Craft time

Cousins Tea PartyCousins Tea Party
Cousins Tea Party Cousins Tea Party

Back to School!

Kindergarten Picnic: at Laurel Hills Park
Maddie got to meet some of her Kindergarten classmates.

Kindergarten Picnic

Kindergarten Meet the Teacher: Meeting Mrs. Daley

Kindergarten Meet the Teacher Kindergarten Meet the Teacher: Mrs. Daley

First Day of School: August 19th
Anna and Maddie were super excited for their first day of school.

First day of school: Kindergarten & First grade

First day of school: Kindergarten & First grade

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ava 11 Months!


She's on the go!

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